
Friday, December 14, 2012

new palette

these are the studies I did with the new palette, basically I got rid of all the neutral colors, include yellow ocher, actually I was forced by Ted to do so, because i like neutral so much. after i changed palette, it took me some time to get used to the new colors, or maybe not new, just more limited options. I started really like this limited palette, when you are mixing color, especially skin tone, it make you to think more. and it truly brightened the whole image, fresher, and more contrast. next semester I will add some neutral color back, but really be careful when mixing them.

new studies with old palette

these studies I painted with my old palette, with a lot of neutral color, yellow ocher, sienna(raw and burnt ), umber(raw and burnt). I use a lot neutral colors, they are quite intense, give the painting a very warm tone, also good for mixing skin tones. 

small studies

here are the small studies done in these 3 months, all quick studies, from 10 to 20 minutes. all of them are around 7x7 inches. really like this kind of exercises. in such a short time, you dont really have a lot of time to think, its more directly painted i guess, color are very limited too, use only big brushes. the boards I use are illustration board with acrylic paint on them, some assignment they did for first year probably, great for practicing, I can test the different effects on different color back ground.